Conference Planning


Conference Planning

Conference Planning Services by Experiential Events

VENUE SELECTION:  We Find you the best venues available within your budget. Taking Venue selection one step further by making sure that we know every nook and cranny of the Venue so that you don’t have to worry about “unexpected turn of events”.

Checks and Re-checks and Re-checks just to make sure we have everything covered for your event so that you can sit back and sip your tea with ease. All you need to worry is finalizing the venue and leave the rest to us.

CONTRACTS:  We have your licences and permissions covered because we know what that means for your event. With over 36 years of experience, we know what how important the little things are for your event and we make sure we manage it to the best of our ability.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Getting your bills and receipts in order is a breeze with us around. You really don’t need to even wear your specs to make sure things are in order because we make our mission to have your finances sorted. 

VENUE LAYOUT:  Venue selection is only a battle half won. Getting the layout spot on to make your event a roaring success is all on us. We make sure “Optimum Utilisation of Resources” is not only a term used in Economics. 

Your Conference will be handled by a Experiential Events team, conscious about the importance and depth of handling an event. They will make sure things go according to plan and make you realise that your event was really not that hard to implement.

In the process making sure that delegates are left with memories because for them this isn’t just a conference, it’s an Experience.